Wednesday, 4 September 2013

[ROM][WIP] CM10.1 Badadroid Custom Rom v1.1 | Android Jellybean 4.2.2 for Wave 1 and Wave 2

Android 4.2.2
CM sources of 14.08.2013
Updated to linux kernel version 3.0.86
272 MB RAM
F4k 720p patch for bigmem kernels (Video Fix)
New key Mapping:
- call key as CALL, Middle as HOME, endcall as ENDCALL
- Long press ENDCALL will show power menu
- lock key as POWER, framework patch is not yet ported
- Navigation Bar activated
- PIE control can be activated with Expanded desktop

GAPPS full gapps
flash through CWM (recovery)

KNOWN BUGS (what doesn't work):
Most of the modem (GSM/GPRS) functionallity:
- Mobile data(3G/2G)
- Audio in Calls (you can calls but you have no good voice from both sides), so only call notification is good
- SMS bug on some phones
Network indicator is full all time
Bluetooth on Wave 2
Some problems with screen calibration on Wave 2
Don't leave phone charging without supervising - if it gets enormously hot, disconnect it - this can literally blow up battery as there is no overheating protection yet. Do not leave it connected on 100% - it'll discharge by 1% all the time, and then recharge, what's very unhealthy for battery.
Maybe something else, what i forgot

Bada 2.0 is required

  1. Enter Bada Settings->General->Memory and make sure you have at least:
    370MB of free "System" memory
    160MB of free "User" memory
    400MB of free "Applications" memory
  2. Download BOOTFILES, armlinux_boot for your device from (please pay attention if it's S8500 or S8530 BOOTFILES and FOTA you're choosing!):
  3. Download ROM:
  4. Start Bada.
  5. Extract zImage from zip and copy it to the Bada's User partition (the one about 390MB big).
  6. Copy whole .zip to the Bada's User partition.
  7. Flash BOOTFILES and FOTA using Multiloader.
  8. Reboot the phone holding Power and Call key.
  9. FOTA set of red messages should appear, after about 15seconds Badadroid logo shows up.
  10. Be patient, first bootup will keep unresponsible on Badadroid logo for up to 5 minutes.
  11. CWM Recovery starts, pick:
    - install zip from sdcard
    - choose zip from sdcard
    - cm-10.1-wave-<release id>.zip
    - Yes - install
  12. Reboot holding the Power key
You can remove installation .zip from the User partition from Android level by connecting through USB in MTP mode.
Do not remove zImage file.
Normal bootup is available using Power+Call keys
CWM Recovery mode is available using Power+Volume Up keys
CWM Flashing does overwrite zImage. So every next update you can just flash .zip through CWM.

Follow the steps there:


Kernel Update for v1.1
Audio recording and video recording fixed
So now we can use VoIP applications on wave with Wi-Fi
Audio in call is still broken
Big thank to Rebellos. i just found good topic on ALSA forum with solution and Rebellos implemented solution

CM sources of 14.08.2013
Fixed vibrator (Thanks to Rebellos)
Fixed ENDCALL button behavior(Forgot to include it in v1)

Initial release
CM sources of 8.08.2013
Update compared to Rebellos CM10 ROM
- Android 4.2.2 CM10.1 based
- Updated to linux kernel version 3.0.86
- ROW i/o scheduler
- 272 MB RAM
- F4k 720p patch for bigmem kernels (Video Fix)
- New key mapping
- Navigation bar activated

Special thanks to Rebellos for his CM10 ROM, for his good sources and many time, what he spent for my learning
Another Badadroid devs: Oleg_k, mijoma, nbates66, anghelyi, mikegapinski, hunktb, autra, Tigrouzen and many others.
CyanogenMod team for base ROM
Paulk and Replicant project for good base for bada-modem RIL
and many other who help us.

[Custom ROM] PhoYdroid V2 For Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360


  • New font
  • build.prop updated
  • A good launcher (free)
  • App and Framework are deodexed (best customization)
  • English language by default (but you can change)
  • Very Smoothy
  • More battery
  • Zipaligned
  • Jelly Bean 4.2.2 unofficial
  • English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and many other languages!
  • Fluidity improved
  • Increased battery life
  • Based on S5360DDLA1

Download ROM - Click here.



Requierements: CWM by MadTeam, SGY S5360, SD Card (100Mb Min.), some battery juice (50% required)

In CWM MadTeam:
  1. Wipe Data/ Factory reset
  2. Advanced > Wipe Dalvik Cache
  3. Install ZIP > Choose ZIP > -> Should not take very long. (20-40 sec)
  4. Choose Reboot System Now


Monday, 26 August 2013

★☞[Galaxy S 4: Rom] Jelly 'Beans' - Build 6 [08/20/13][Aroma][Fully Customizable][I545VRUAME7]☜★

Build 6

Jelly Beans is Geared Towards Users that want the look of AOSP but want the stability and feautures of touchwiz (Theme Coming Soon!)

Aroma Feature's:
-Selectable Applications
-Google: Talk, Maps, Youtube, Gmail, Play Music
-Samsung: S-Health, Mobile Print, S-Translate, Watchon, Smemo, Svoice, SCalendar,
-Misc: dropbox w 50gb hack, flash player, ad blocking, Polaris Office, cLock, Vpn, terminal emulator, myvzw, vvm
-Launcher Selection (4x4 Touchwiz, 4x5 Touchwiz, Apex, Nova)
-Email App Selection (Stock, Hacked Stock, Aosp)
-Keyboard Selection (Touchwiz Keyboard, 4.2 Keyboard)
-Music Selection (Touchwiz Music, Apollo)
-File Explorer Selection (Stock, Es File explorer)
-Kernel Selection (Stock, Kt Kernel, faux)
-Sound Selection (Aosp or Tw Ui Sounds)
-Boot anim Selection (Stock or Google Edition)

-Based off of My Deodexed OTA VRUAME7 4.2.2
-Google News & Weather Widget (geniewidget)
-JellyBeans OTA updater
-Native all apps in Multiwindow 
-Bash, BusyBox, Sqlite3, Init.d Supportt
-Hacked Launcher for Moar Speed
-Launcher Sorted Alphabetically By Default
-Custom Android Bookmarks 
-Build.prop Tweaks
-Custom Init.d Scripts
-Internation Boot/Shutdown Animations
-Device Status now is Official
-1% Battery Mod
-fully resizable popup browser
-3-way Reboot Menu
-Emoji Keyboard
-jellybean wallpapers
-Shutter sound menu on camera
-Disabled increasing ringtone
-Wifi notif killer mod
-Crt Off Animation
-Longpress Menu to Kill Current App
-Call Button in Log list
-Fully Working Blocking Mode
-Fully Working Call/Msg Block
-Misc Browser Tweaks
-Smart Stay icon only comes on when in use not (always on)
-Unlimited Browser Tabs
-Unlimited Contact Links
-Custom Build.Prop Tweaks 
-Disabled Increasing Ringtone
-Disabled Scrolling Cache
-Disabled Signature checking
-Disabled network throttling
-Disabled fog on ripple lockscreen
-Added Wifi, Hotspot, Air Gesture, Smart Pause, Blocking Toggles
-Added JellyBeans Rom to Settings > About Phone
-Added Custom Settings to Settings
-Added Ringtones MIUI/CM
-Removed Annoying Location Icon
-Removed 100% full battery Notification
-Removed All traces of Software Update
-Removed HowTo/Misc Videos
-Removed Boot and ShutDown Sounds
-Enabled Negative Colors widget
-Enabled Dormant Mode
-Enabled Burst Shot
-Enabled All rotations
-Enabled Shutter Sound Menu
-Enabled Blocking Mode
-Enabled Mobile Hotspot
-Enabled Call recording 
-Enabled Nfc on lockscreen
-Zipaligned on Boot

-Enabled ALL mms options
*Unlimited Recipient Limit
*enabled Screen on/off toggle
*enabled Signature Setings
*enabled Vibration Options
*enabled emergency alert options
*enabled Split mode on landscape
*enabled Save/restore Messages
*enabled Message priority option
*enabled spam/blocking mode
*enabled Group Messaging
*enabled Reminder Alert
*enabled Delivery and Read Reports

-Removed Apps
*Verizons Remote Diagnostics App
*Google Books
*Nfl Mobile
*Samsung Knox Crap
*Easy Settings/Launcher
*Amazon Bloat
*Google Magazines
*Google Plus
*Samsung Setup Wizard
*Trip Advisor
*Google Video
*Verizon Security App
*Verizon Navigator
*Verizon Tones

Custom Settings:
-Rom Control
*Crt animation Toggle
*Longpress Menu to kill toggle
*Scrolling Wallpaper Toggle
*Page Loop Toggle
*Longpress to skip tracks Toggle
*Aosp Lockscreen toggle
*Aosp Lockscreen Vibration Toggle
*Lockscreen Torch Toggle
*Lockscreen Sounds Toggle 
*Home Wake Toggle
*Clock position toggle
*Am/Pm style toggle
*Day of Week Toggle
*Clock Color changer
*StatusBar Color Changer
*Alarm Icon Toggle
*IME icon toggle
*Network Speed Toggle
*Network Speed Color Changer
*Battery Icon Picker & Options
*Battery Bar Toggle & Options

-App Settings
*Pie Controls
*Cpu Control (trickster mod)
*Fast Dormancy Toggle
*Media Scanner Fix

-Xposed Settings
*Xposed Framework installer
*Per App Dpi Settings
*Theme Engine
*Icon Themer

-Beans OTA Updater

Build 6 - 08-20-13
-forward ported all the old mods
-fixed custom settings freezing on landscape
-disabled network throttling
-disabled fog on ripple lockscreen
-updated rom to me7 base
-updated es file explorer, hp print plugin
-updated google services, google now, gmail
-updated maps, youtube, hangouts, music
-updated group play, fwupgrade, allshare
-updated push services, watchon, peel, nova
-updated SuperSu, Beans Settings, myvzw, apex
-added aroma installer, newest version
-added fully working blocking mode
-added fully working call/msg block
-added tw launcher scrolling wallpaper toggle
-added tw launcher page looping toggle
-added toggle for torch on lockscreen
-added timeout options for lockscreen torch
-added toggle for aosp lockscreen
-added toggle for aosp lockscreen vibration
-added toggle for network speeds on statusbar
-added color changer for network speed on statusbar
-added in call menu can now be viewed in landscape
-added aroma option for choice of keyboard
-added aroma option for choice of music app
-added aroma option for choice of email app
-added aroma option for choice of file manager
-added aroma option for choice of bootanim
-added aroma option for choice of ui sounds
-added aroma option for choice of samsung apps
-added aroma option for choice of misc apps
-added aroma option for choice of vzw apps
-added aroma option for choice of kernel

Build 5 - 07-10-13
-fixed contacts Fc when manually selecting sms recipient
-made battery % text more legible on stock ui
-added toggle for crt animation
-added lmt launcher aka pie controls
-added nottach xposed module
-addedt hemed multiwindow bar thanks gadget!
-added Ad Blocking as default
-added Google Gs4 Bootanim as Default
-added native call recording to phone menu
-added nfc on lockscreen mod
-added fully resizable popup browser
-removed 3 way resizable popup browser 
-removed xposed tweakbox
-removed edge zoom toggle 4.1.2 and up dont have edge zoom
-Updated SuperSu and Su Binary
-Updated BusyBox to 1.21.0
-Updated Ad Blocking File
-Updated Samsung Push Services
-Updated Gmail 

Build 4 - 06-27-13
-fixed symbols not showing on keyboard
-reverted some changes that didnt work
-reverted some settings mods that caused bugs
-fixed sms mods 
-added toggle for longpress to kill
-cleaned up android.policy.jar ALOT
-now contains all the mods in Didacts multimod 1.1 +some
-added cLock to /data
-exchange Security is now disabled on stock email
-updated Peel and Google now
-removed otaupdate center ota system
-added updateme ota system
-removed some bloat, installable through addon downloader

Build 3 - 06-21-13
-Completely redid custom settings(thanks Sbreen94)
-Added IME Toggle
-Added Edge Zoom Toggle
-Added Home Wake Toggle
-Added Longpress to skip tracks Menu
-Added Clock position toggle
-Added Am/Pm style toggle
-Added Day of Week Toggle
-Added Clock Color changer
-Added StatusBar Color Changer
-Added Alarm Icon Toggle
-Added Battery Icon Picker & Options
-Added Battery Bar Toggle & Options
-Added Cpu Control (trickster mod)
-Added Fast Dormancy Toggle
-Added gps quick fix app
-Added Media Scanner Fix app
-Added xposedTheme Engine
-Added Beans OTA Updater
-Added Native All apps in Multiwindow
-Added Driving Mode to settings
-Added Crt-Off animation
-Added Longpress Menu to Kill Current App
-Disabled Scrolling Cache
-Disabled Signature checking
-Disabled 100% full battery Notification
-updated All apps in rom
-Probably more i forgot 

Build 2 - 06-04-13
-added back languages
-fixed voice on camera
-added hotspot toggle
-fixed Battery % errors
-updated youtube
-updated watchon

Build 1 - 06-02-13
-removed wifi notification
-removed all amazon apps
-removed all tutorials and videos
-removed verizons software updater
-removed trip adbvisor
-removed verizon navigator, verion security, verizon tones
-removed all non us languages
-removed Cb message
-added sqlite3 
-added cm/miui ringtones
-added international samsung bootanim
-added 4 way reboot menu
-added init.d tweaks
-added browser tweaks
-added launcher tweaks
-added jellybean wallpapers
-added wifi, dormant, airgesture toggle
-added blocking mode(wip)
-added blocking mode(wip)
-added multiwindow manager(all apps in MW)
-added esfile explorer (root explorer)
-added custom tweaks
-added screen on/off option to mms
-added split view opion to mms
-added bunch of mms/sms tweaks
-added shutter sound menu on camera
-added disabled increasing ringtone
-added emoji keyboard
-updated all apps!


Step 1-
Make sure u have a loki recovery
Step 2-
Wipe all(factory reset and davlick wipe) if coming from an old build
Step 3-
Install the Rom
Step 4-
Reboot and Enjoy!

some root apps will not work without a kernel with setuid restrictions removed. i suggest flashing faux or kt747 kernel for full superuser compatability

For Feature Requests and bug reports please visit my google docs page:

Current Device's: Verizon Galaxy S3, S4, Note 2, Sony-GS8(gtv) My Github:
Follow me @BeansTown106, If You Like My work Please Consider a Donation Here!, if you cant donate at least say thanks!

djrbliss - For the loki method on the att and vzw s4's
didact74 - Massive thanks for being a modding genious and his multimod
dwitherell- for helping with some mods on note2 and logic behind the launcher mods
Sbreen94- help with custom setting, some mods and longpress to skip tracks on me7
AndyBones - For fully working Blocking Mode, Call/Msg Block, etc
Vertumus & Daveyaniahlation - For the aosp theme work
scrosler- for bering a team player and teaching me aroma basics
Angus MacGyver - for the Boot animation.. thanks a bunch
KennyGlass123 - For being an awesome MOD
Gadget! - for all graphics signatures, thread headers, themed multiwindow bar
Maybe More if i forgot u let me know and i will add you!

- It is Recommended to Flash the ME7 Modem
Check the Addons installer in Custom Settings
to use right click and hit copy image location then add to your signature

[ROM][4.3][ALPHA/NIGHTLY][OFFICIAL] Google Nexus 7 P.A.C True All In 1 ROM - Flo [21/08/13]

Can't settle on a rom? Like one rom, but wish it had features of another? Well look no further...
PACman is a unique rom.
We have picked the best features from CM10, Aokp and PA and combined them in a single rom so you get the experience you deserve.
To enjoy the features of every available project without the hassle of flashing regularly.

It's an alpha, problems or hickups may occur!!

All in One Rom [CM, AOKP and PA]
PhoneUI, TabletUI, PhabletUI
Some Features from AOKP
All Feautures from PA
All Features from CM
Built entirely from the source
Of course JellyBean 4.3

1. Download the rom
2. Download the Gapps
3. Reboot to recovery
4. Wipe data/cache
5. Select the PAC zip
6. Select the Gapps zip
7. Reboot
8. Enjoy!!

1. Download the latest version of the rom
2. Reboot to recovery
3. Flash the rom
4. Wipe cache/dalvik cache
5. Reboot
6. Enjoy

Nightlies: Nightlies Download
Alpha 2: Alpha 2 Download
Alpha 1: Alpha 1 Download
Gapps: Gapps 4.3 Download

Pacman settings not showing up.
Workaround: Change the layout of the setting apps to either 360p or 600p using the hybrid quick settings tile

You tell me!!

## 23.0.0 → 4.3

- Dropped Number Changelog System [bluefa1con & Papa Smurf151]
- Upgraded to Android 4.3 [Bkjolly & bluefa1con & Goldflame0 & g2user & Mithun46 & Owain94 & slz.kiev & Sniper & wedgess & zyonee]
- Update all CM, PA & AOKP commits [Goldflame09 & slz.kiev & wedgess & zyonee]
- Added Halo colors [C457 & Owain94]
- Removed Goo Manager [Goldflame09 & Singh_dd93]
- Added PAC Console app [pvyParts]
- Added PacPapers [Papa Smurf151 & pvyParts]
- Mass Reorganization off all settings and removal of separate Rom control [Owain94]
- Added status bar weather from AOKP [Owain94]
- Merged PAC in Black [Singh_dd93]
- Added new boot animation [One2thTexan]
- Changed to new default wallpaper [One2thTexan]
- Swapped AOKP performance control for CM [Owain94]
- Animate Developer Partition icon [pvyParts]
- Added Partition information settings [Owain94]
- Added Halo 2.0 [Owain94 & C457 & zyonee]

Android 4.3 Announced and Rolling Out to Nexus Devices, Images Available

Android 4.3 Announced and Rolling Out to Nexus Devices, Images Available 

We were all expecting it. In fact, we’ve all been waiting for it ever since this year’s Google I/O. However, that conference came and went, without a trace of Android 4.3. But after last week’s Android 4.3 leak, we knew it was finally coming soon. And in today’s Google event, which also marked the release of the Nexus 7 refresh, it has finally been made official. So what’s new in this latest flavor of Jelly Bean? Here are some of the key changes, courtesy of the Android Developers blog post:
  • OpenGL ES 3.0 — Game developers can now take advantage of OpenGL ES 3.0 and EGL extensions as standard features of Android, with access from either framework or native APIs.
  • Bluetooth Smart — Now your apps can communicate with the many types of low-power Bluetooth Smart devices and sensors available today, to provide new features for fitness, medical, location, proximity, and more.
  • Restricted profiles — Tablet owners can create restricted profiles to limit access to apps, for family, friends, kiosks, and more. Your app can offer various types of restrictions to let tablet owners control its capabilities in each profile.
  • New media capabilities — A modular DRM framework enables media application developers to more easily integrate DRM into their own streaming protocols such as MPEG DASH. Apps can also access a built-in VP8 encoder from framework or native APIs for high-quality video capture.
  • Notification access — Your apps can now access and interact with the stream of status bar notifications as they are posted. You can display them in any way you want, including routing them to nearby Bluetooth devices, and you can update and dismiss notifications as needed.
  • Improved profiling tools — New tags in the Systrace tool and on-screen GPU profiling give you new ways to build great performance into your app.
Much has also been done to improve UI performance. Most notably, the Android 4.3 Platform Highlights page mentions a change to the hardware-accelerated 2D subsystem that modifies the stream of drawing commands to send the commands to the GPU in an optimized manner. And in instances when the CPU is required, these operations are now multi-threaded, allowing the use of multiple CPU cores. Improved window buffer allocation also speeds up buffer allocation, resulting in speedier rendering starts. And to best harness the GPU’s power in 2D hardware-accelerated tasks, the system now uses OpenGL ES 3.0 for optimized texture management and to maintain higher gradient rendering fidelity. Of course, however, the main use of OpenGL ES 3.0 will be to provide game developers with the framework and native API access they need to produce high quality and efficient games.
Another major highlight in this Jelly Bean refresh is a substantial refresh to the notification system, whereby third-party apps can observe the stream of notifications and display them or transfer them to nearby connected Bluetooth devices. And just as before, notifications can be enabled or disabled per app. Building upon this, however, now users are allowed to see and toggle which apps have access to the notification stream.
The tablet multi-user feature has also been revamped. Now in 4.3, users are given the option to set up restricted profiles. This allows owners to easily create separate environments for each user, with the ability to manage restrictions in apps available in those environments. This feature is aimed to sharing your device with friends and use at kiosks.
Other notable changes include Bluetooth Smart Ready to aid in discovery and communication with nearby devices, Bluetooth AVRCP 1.3 support for richer interactions with media streaming devices, an improved DRM framework, and a VP8 video encoder.
You can learn more by heading over to the Android Developers blog post and Android 4.3 Platform Highlights page. If you’re lucky enough to own a Google Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10, or Galaxy Nexus, you can expect this update to come over-the-air shortly. And if you find yourself impatiently waiting, you can get a head start and download the images by visiting the Nexus device factory images.

New Nexus 7 Factory Images Not Available; JBQ Leaves AOSP

New Nexus 7 Factory Images Not Available; JBQ Leaves AOSP
Now that’s a doozy, isn’t it? Before proceeding, let’s take a moment for that to better sink in. In addition to support from the AOSP, one of the hallmarks of the Nexus program has traditionally been the availability of factory restore images. This is more than a simple convenience for Nexus device owners. Rather, it allows for users to safely and reliably restore their devices to their factory state.
As a result of the availability of factory restore images, Nexus device owners always had a safety net available for when (not “if” here at XDA) they decide to leave the confines of stock software and venture into the realm of aftermarket development. And the loading of unsupported firmware was always a relatively supported task, as evidenced by the availability of the simple command fastboot oem unlock.
There have been minor inconveniences along the way, however, as exemplified by the Nexus One and Nexus 4 factory images. Ultimately, these issues were all resolved in some way or another. For the Nexus One, HTC was able to release factory images. And for the Nexus 4, Google released the images after some time had passed. However one thing links these devices, along with the new Nexus 7 (2013): Qualcomm.
As a quick refresher, the Nexus One used the original Snapdragon system-on-a-chip with a single core Scorpion CPU mated to an Adreno 200 GPU. The Nexus 4 uses the Snapdragon S4 Pro, which features four Krait CPUs and an Adreno 320 GPU. Finally, the Nexus 7 uses a potentially lower-binned Snapdragon 600, which has been relabeled as an S4 Pro. And coincidentally, all of these devices have faced significant setbacks in their factory image availability.
The suspicions of Qualcomm’s intrusion into the procedure were then confirmed by the former technical lead of the AOSP, Jean-Baptiste Queru, when he wrote the following on Google+:
 Well, I see that people have figured out why I’m quitting AOSP.
There’s no point being the maintainer of an Operating System that can’t boot to the home screen on its flagship device for lack of GPU support, especially when I’m getting the blame for something that I don’t have authority to fix myself and that I had anticipated and escalated more than 6 months ahead.
While this was the most clearly the issue has thus far been stated, his followers knew something was amiss ever since JBQ tweeted on the matter back on July 30th:
That feeling when lawyers sabotage the launch you spent 6 months working on? I haz it. Sad sad sad sad sad sad.
The bottom line of the factory image drama is simple: We currently have no officially supported way to factory restore our Nexus devices. We don’t know if this will be solved by Google and Qualcomm like it was for the Nexus 4, or if this will remain a longer-standing issue requiring the intervention of an OEM partner, as was the case with the Nexus One. And finally, this forced the man ultimately in charge of the technical side of the Android Open Source Project to resign.
Luckily, there are options available for users looking to restore their factory firmware, thanks to XDA Senior Member ATGAdmin who released a factory restore package for users in need. In fact, a certain editor-in-chief of a certain mobile development forum’s news site already had to make use of such accommodations after some late-night flashing without adequate precautions left him with an unusable slab. However, these images are unsupported, and it would ultimately be better if they were to come from Google themselves.
Because of this issue, and past issues like it, the future direction of the Android Open Source Project is unfortunately all too nebulous. It’s times like these that we’re grateful that other open source options are beginning to emerge.

Monday, 12 August 2013

[Boot-Animation] Stock Android 4.3 Boot-Animation [240x320] Google Signed v2.0 For All Android Mobiles

Hi! Introducing GOOGLE SIGNED ANDROID 4.3 BOOT-ANIMATION for LDPI (240x320) devices.....
Please install at your own risk....I will not take any responsibility of damaging your devices.Don't modify it without my permission.

>>Fully 4.3 boot animation google signed....
>>Faster BOOT....Less Time Loss....

»» Download ««

Saturday, 10 August 2013

How To Flash Samsung Galaxy Y With Stock Firmware Using Odin On PC Guide | Direct Download Links

** Guys today i am going to provide you an instruction on how to Flash Samsung Galaxy Y with Stock Firmware using ODIN with screenshot & video guide. So follow the instruction carefully and successfully Flash your Samsung Galaxy Y with ODIN.

»» Requirement:

A Samsung Galaxy y phone model gt-s5360.

A computer running on windows xp, vista, win7 or win8 with proper USB driver installed to connect your phone to computer

{If you have not installed USB Driver for Samsung Galaxy Y Install it from Below Link}

»» Installation Instruction:

Charge your phone battery min 80%
Download the required file Odin3 AND Stock and place in a folder on your desktop.
Now extract both with any file extractor.

- Now turn off your Galaxy Y {Remove the battery for 5-10 seconds and insert it back}
- Go to Download Mode by Pressing Volume down + Home + Power for 5-10 sec to boot in Download Mode
- Now you entered in Download mode select continue by pressing Volume up button.
- Now attach/connect your phone to computer via USB cable.
- Now on your computer open Odin3 v1.85.exe
- After that extract Stock Rom:
- Select Tar Files As in Image:

Leave all other fields and check boxes default as shown in picture below.

- Now make sure you are getting yellow box in ID:COM (this means that your device is now connected and detected by odin)
Now clik on start.

- And let be ODIN do its work and wait till you see PASS in green colour it mean the flashing process is complete successfully
- Samsung Galaxy Y will auto reboot.

**** Download Links ****

- Galaxy_Y_2.3.6_Update_(Indian).rar | Stock Rom

Friday, 9 August 2013

[APP] Galaxy S3 & HTC Weather Widgets For Galaxy Y

* Hi guys presenting Galaxy S3 & HTC Weather Widgets for Galaxy Y .The widget has shared by XDA member wunghau in the Galaxy Ace boards but it is working on the Galaxy Y .

** The widget has been extracted from some duplicate Galaxy Note II device .It is powered by YAWeather.

** How to Use:
Download the APK to your sdcard
Install it just like you install any app
Go to your homescreen and long-press
Go to Widgets, scroll down and you should see the YA Widget app
Choose either 4x1 or 4x2 and it will appear
Tap on the widget to add a city

** Download **

Top 10 Apps List to Watch Live TV Channels + Movies & Shows on Android Mobile

So you love watching TV on the go? Well, thanks to an ambitious and competent pool of developers on the android platform, there are quite a number of really cool android TV apps that you can install on your device to watch live TV shows, films and more.

Top Android tv apps

Of course, watching any TV show is fun, useful, interactive than spending your time reading web blogs. If we go by the count, there are numerous apps that are capable of streaming TV shows to your android mobile phone or tablet PC. However, not all of them will give you the best experience as far as content quality is concerned. As it is, you’ll find that a section of the highest reviewed and ranked android TV apps come from the biggest Television players.

1. Netflix

Netflix ranks to be the best android TV android app. Netflix provides you with tens of thousands of videos that you can watch anytime and from anyplace just provided your android phone, phablet or tablet PC is covered by a sound internet connection. The reason as to why we rank Netflix to the top android TV app list is due to the app’s undisputed high video and sound quality. This gives you a really entertaining experience when watching videos. If you rushed out of the house when your favorite show was broadcasting on your huge Plasma TV, you can just start Netflix and continue enjoying your show with nearly the same zeal. The Netflix app taps into your instant queue and shows you similar recommendations plus your viewing history.

If you are still not a member, you should click this link and grab their free trial offer RIGHT now.

The Netflix android TV app also has its negatives. Some users have been complaining about the amount of scrolling that you get to do especially if you have a huge queue. Netflix might also not be up-to-date with the latest TV shows, but at least offers a wealth of previous seasons that you can watch hour after hour on end from wherever you are.

With a high average rating by users on the Play Store, this android TV app is probably an app you must have on your device. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Sign up for a Free trial on
  2. Download the Android app from Google Play

2. - Android app is yet another great instant TV streaming android TV app for your android device. will provide you with video content from the CW, CBS, CBS Sports, CBS News, CNET, ET and Showtime! allows you to watch full TV show episodes over a Wi-Fi or cellular network and choose the programming based on the particular channel you are looking for. comes with some current shows but is also equipped with a library of older shows. Like with many other free android TV apps, you will have to sacrifice a small fraction of your show time staring at ads. But the most important thing is that comes with a lot of full episodes and shorter video clips, so you can watch your favourite shows from anywhere and without having to commit to any subscription fees.

Download on Google Play

Here’s Android TV app review video for you..


This android TV app is a streaming service from HBO that lets you watch and enjoy your top HBO movies, shows, sports, documentaries and comedy specials. They offer every episode of every season of HBO’s best, free with your HBO subscription.

HBo GO - It's HBO Anywhere

With this android TV app, you will be able to:

  • Keep up with your best HBO shows, movies, comedies and any other videos. If you are a fanatic of True Blood, Girls, Veep, Curb your Enthusiasm and Game of Thrones, among many other premier shows, download this android TV app and watch conveniently on your mobile phone.
  • Personalize your HBO experience – this  android TV  app allows you to create a customized watchlist, and easily catch up and add your preferred new episodes with their Series Pass feature.You will be able to watch your favorite shows and particular episodes simultaneously as they premier on HBO.

Only accessible among android users in the US, this android TV app requires a minimum of 3G network to work smoothly on mobile phones.

Download on Google Play

4. Crackle

Crackle - Watch Movie

This is another free android TV app. The Crackle team adds at least twenty TV episodes and full movies every month, which means that you will always find great new content once you check back after a while. With Crackle android TV app, you will be able to watch full-length Hollywood movies and TV series. The app is also optimized for both android phones and tablets, so you will have an easy time navigating through it with your android gadget. With this android TV app, you can stream HQ video via 3G, 4G or Wi-Fi networks, build your watch list for viewing and easily browse through scores of videos.

The only drawback with this android TV app is that it will only work in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia. So if you are outside these areas, it might not be of any use to you.

Download on Google Play

Here’s Crackle Android TV app review video for you.

5. BBC iPlayer

BBC iPlayer

This is a free service android TV app that lets you watch TV program from the past week. With the BBC iPlayer android TV app, you can either follow a show as it is being transmitted live or catch up later after broadcast.

This app provides you with the following features:

  • Watch live TV
  • Listen to live radio
  • Watch or listen over Wi-Fi and 3G networks
  • Scroll through and find a list of featured and ‘most popular’ program
  • Browse through  a schedule for upcoming broadcasts

To get the best video and sound quality with this android TV app, you need to download and install the BBC Media Player application from Google play store. You will be prompted to do this when you first play a program.

The BBC app is available for UK users, or any user who played a program when in the UK and then later traveled out.

Download on Google Play

6. Eurosport Player

Eurosport Player

Are you a sports fanatic? The Eurosport player android TV app lets you keep up with all the latest sports action. This app is fast, smooth, has a new look, new HD design and features over 100 stories daily, plus 30 videos.

They also offer editorials that include 40 live text commentaries per week, exclusive web chats with players, pundits and journalists, and expert analysis. If you would love to follow every Premier League and Champions League game from your android mobile phone, get this TV app and get started right away.

Download on Google Play

7. Zeebox


Zeebox is a social, informative and fun TV app that takes TV watching to a whole new level. With this android TV app, you will be able to discover new shows, learn about your favorite shows, stay connected to the social buzz and share content live and without leaving the app(what is meant by “without leaving the app”. Reword?). Zeebox is absolutely free android TV app.

Download on Google Play



SPB TV is the android TV app of choice if you are looking to watch live and on-demand video services using your android mobile or tablet. With a 3G, Wi-Fi or WiMAX network connection, you can smoothly watch your favorite TV channels. With more than 15 million users globally, this TV app has been an Android Developer Challenge winner in Media category. The app covers a wide selection of public TV channels, offers faster channel launch and switching, and has an intuitive and friendly User Interface.

Download on Google Play

9. Vevo Videos


The Android Vevo TV App is the best thing for you yet if you love to watch music videos, stream live concerts and discover new artists on your android gadget – all for free. This android TV app features over 75, 000 music videos from more than 21, 000 artists.

A 24/7 channel of music videos, live performances and original shows, they are a massive music library made by music lovers for music lovers. This android TV  app displays all music videos in full HD, so it will be fun to just sit back and watch as things happen. Whether you are a pop, rap, rock, R&B or country music fanatic, the choices of music videos that this TV app presents you with are endless.

Although you can access this TV app via cellular network connections such as 3G and LTE, the best streaming experience will be achieved on a Wi-Fi network.

Download on Google Play

10. Hulu Plus

Hulu Plus

Listed at the bottom of my list, Hulu Plus is yet another great android TV app that allows you to instantly watch current TV shows and acclaimed movies from anywhere. They make it possible for you to enjoy unlimited instant streaming of content and classic hit TV shows with their paid subscription. If you can afford to commit $7.99 to watch the current episodes of your favorite shows, then Hulu is a cool android TV app for you.

Download on Google Play


Now that you know what android TV apps will give you the best experience, and whether or not it are free, paid or available in your country; go right ahead and download it – and unlock a world of video fun right on your android phone or tablet.

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